The CELL Implementation Model

Participatory Adult Learning Strategy
CELL uses an evidence‐based approach to training and technical assistance called the Participatory Adult Learning Strategy (PALS) because no intervention practice is likely to be learned and adopted if the methods and strategies used to train are not effective.

PALS video*

The Participatory Adult Learning Strategy or PALS is an evidence-based approach to professional development used to promote parent and practitioner adoption of evidence-based intervention practices.
PALS video
Watch Online* (Length - 4:45)

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PALS Checklist***

The trainer, coach or technical assistance provider uses the checklist to review and think about their understanding and implementation of the CELL model. After reflection, the trainer, coach or technical assistance provider may determine a need to provide more illustrations or practices to support the teacher’s or parent’s understanding and application of the CELL model.
PALS checklist 

PALS Journal***

Whether you are supporting parents within a home environment or collaborating with practitioners in the classroom, it is important to be intentional. The journal can be used by trainers or coaches to prepare for the delivery of CELL practices to parents or practitioners.
PALS journal
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