1.6 Respond to children’s comments by asking questions and elaborating on what they say. Have ongoing conversations with children about their ideas and interest.

  1. CELL video of Stella reading with her mom and talking about ice cream.
    Watch: "Get In Step With Responsive Teaching - Clip"
  2. CELL video of Father and son reading and discussing book about sea life and the dentist.
    Watch: "Get In Step With Responsive Teaching - Clip"
  3. Identify ways to have conversations with children about their ideas and interests.
    Watch: "Have real conversations"
  4. children with block sailboatTake the time to learn about all of the children. (e.g. send questionnaires home; make "All About Me" books; conduct home visits.)
  5. Make yourself available and accessible to all children. Be aware of children who might have a more difficult time initiating interactions and intentionally join in their play to set the stage for conversations.
    Watch: "WV videos-relationships-Wendy Block play"
  6. Use gestures, signs, or the child’s augmentative communication to respond to children who have communication support needs or who are English Language Learners.