2.6 Provide support and special preparation for children who might need additional learning opportunities, adapted materials, and activities, peer support, or more support to follow the routine, etc.

  1. teacher talking to child using support equipmentAn example of this is demonstrated in the photo: the teacher has adapted the art materials by attaching the paper to a binder so that the writing surface is on a slant in order to support the participation of this individual child in this drawing and scribbling activity.
  2. child drawign with chalk using a wedge adaptationAn example of this is illustrated in the photo: an environmental adaptation has been provided using a foam wedge in order to support this child in participating in the drawing activity.
  3. Provide visual support for children to aid them through interactions.
    Watch: "Visual supports"
  4. Provide additional supports to those children who may benefit.
    Read: "Special Order"
  5. When children are engaged they are less likely to have challenging behavior