1.10 Share information about community resources

  1. home visitor with mother and infantBe prepared to support families who have questions about community resources. Develop relationships with local agencies that also serve young children and their families. Find out what agencies exist locally (use the internet and/or phone!) and what roles and services they provide. Compile related resources including brochures, flyers, phone numbers etc.
    Use: "Resources to Share with Families"
  2. Resources to consider include: the Birth to Three Early Intervention Program in your area; Public library, public activities (e.g. museums, play groups, Gymboree, etc); Family Counseling Resources; Domestic Abuse Support Agencies; Therapy Resources (e.g., therapeutic horseback riding, occupational, speech/language, or other resources,
  3. Display materials from local community resources for families to peruse discreetly and encourage them to ask you questions about them. Place brochures and other materials in a convenient location families will see as they come and go.
  4. . In your weekly or monthly parent newsletter, feature one community resource along with the contact information such as website address and phone number.
    Use: "Sample Newsletter"