1.11 Use a variety of methods to communicate with families (home visits, phone calls, notes home, newsletter, school websites, email, classroom visits…)

Watch: "Communication with Families"
  1. mother and children looking at computerA daily reminder can be used with parents to help establish ideas and opportunities for everyday literacy learning.
    Use: "The CELL Daily Reminder List"
  2. Share your behavior expectations continually with families and provide ideas and materials for them to use at home.
    Use: "Sample Home activity"
  3. Send home photo copies of the child’s work, such as drawing or writing examples. Attach a note that provides ways in which the parents may support these activities with the child at home. Share these items throughout the year on a weekly or monthly basis.
  4. Provide a notebook for each child that is sent home to parents at the end of each week. Teachers can write down a summary of the week and the parent can read and add comments of their own before returning the notebook to the teacher.
  5. Once a week email a photo(s) of the child engaged in a favorite activity. Include a brief description of what the child is learning during this activity and how the parent can support this at home.
  6. Create opportunities for parents to participate in classroom activities. Provide a sign-up sheet for parents to visit the classroom during: lunch, story-time, small group and special activities such as cooking and gardening.