2.2 Review the schedule and refer to it throughout the day.

  1. word and picture cardsIt is helpful to use a daily schedule that has real life photos of the events children will be transitioning to and from each day.
  2. Some children may benefit from having an individual daily schedule that they can refer to on their own throughout the day.
    Watch: "Transition - Schedule"

    Watch: "Shelly Schedule"
  3. Inform children of schedule changes by re-arranging visuals, or use a stop sign to cover an activity that will not occur that day.
    Watch: "Schedule"
  4. Create mini-schedules to guide the class through circle time, other activities, and/or transitions.
    Watch: "Center Choices"
  5. Consider using a First/Then board to communicate a sequence of events or to reinforce completion of a non preferred activity.
    Read: "How to make a first/then board"
  6. Use choice visuals within an activity (e.g. song, finger play, puppets, centers) to let children choose activity or activity sequence.
  7. Turn visuals over to indicate activities completed and activities remaining.